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Important Tips for Using Humidifier at Home


If you frequently use a humidifier, you’re definitely seeking for practical advice to avoid some simple humidifier-related home problems, aren’t you? One of them would be humidifiers making your floor wet?

If you have different sizes of humidifier with different capacities, you’ll still probably have the same problems, like walls are getting ruined etc.

But whether you have a small or a large humidifiers, there are specific tips in this article that will help you solve these humidifier-related issues at home.

General tips for using home humidifiers

We’ll start out with some general advice that the most of us should be able to readily grasp.

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when using humidifiers at home:

  • First, you should always read and follow the instructions that come with your humidifier. This will help you get the most out of your device. Read the section where it explains about current rating.
  • Next, be sure to keep your your humidifier clean, especially if you’re using it regularly. We have to clean it to avoid the humidifier from developing molds.
  • Additionally, make sure your home has a location where your humidifier can receive proper ventilation. It is vital that you position it in the ideal place. This will ensure that it produces the ideal level of humidity.
  • Lastly, be cautious of the weather in your area; if it is too hot, you may or may not need to use your humidifier. Caution should be taken when using a humidifier in extreme weather conditions, as doing so may result in unit damage.

Following these general guidelines will always ensure that you are maintaining your humidifier’s efficiency.

Now, let’s talk about some of the humidifier’s home related problems like making the floor wet.

Why is the floor wet because of the humidifier?

When I lived in a country where summers are extremely hot, the air conditioning was always at its highest setting. This caused the air to get dry, so I purchased a small humidifier for my room.

Believe it or not, this small humidifier left my floor wet, and I nearly fell while walking.

Humidifiers can make your floor wet due to the amount of water vapor it is releasing.

This can be troublesome for a number of reasons:

  1. Walking on the floor can be highly dangerous, especially if you have children. Similar to my own experience, the floor can be extremely slippery.
  2. If the floor is frequently wet and saturated with water vapor, the environment might become unbearably humid. In extreme circumstances, it can also result in mold growth and cause serious health issues.

This actually happened to me, I noticed that the place where my humidifier is has caused mold to grow on the wall in the room where I was staying.

So, what can we do to stop or lessen the damage that a humidifier does to our floors?

Tips to keep your floor from getting wet when you use your humidifier?

So, if you have a humidifier that makes your floor wet, there are a few things you can do to make sure this doesn’t happen or is lessen.

  • Every time you use your humidifier, you should at the very least clean it. This will help keep the filters clean and debris from building up.
  • Also, make sure that your humidifier is set up right. When the setting is too high, water can run down the walls and onto the floor. When the setting is too low, there might not be enough humidity.

    That’s why its best to check your humidifier’s manual to apply the right settings.
  • Then make sure to empty your humidifier’s tanks every week or so in order to prevent build-up of moisture (this is very important).

If you find this tips difficult to follow and want something quick and easy step, then continue reading below…

A quick way to prevent molds build up because of a humidifier

If you’re looking to avoid mold and other moisture-related issues with your humidifier, you already know that it’s important to keep the filter clean and replace it on a regular schedule.

But did you know that you can add some ingredient to your humidifier’s water to prevent molds build up?

You can add a drop of an essential oil that fights mold growth to your home. If you’re wondering whether it’s safe to use essential oils in your humidifier, my answer is that it depends…

You might be interested in an article I wrote about using essential oils in your humidifier.

The essential oil I’m talking about is tea tree essential oil.

I use this on my spray container and and dilute it with water, it’s an effective mold killer.

Don’t just take my word for it; a study conducted in China found tea tree oil to be more effective against mold than some well-known industrial disinfectants.

So, use a spray bottle if you’re not sure about your humidifier- plastic spray bottle is fine, but I used glass for the mixture. You can read more about tea tree oil and molds here.

I did mention some other industrial disinfectants, will tell you more about it in the next section…

Other mixture to use to prevent molds because of humidifier

So, there are other ingredients you can use at home to prevent molds, and one of them is a simple ingredient called vinegar.

We use white vinegar; I haven’t tried adding vinegar to my humidifier, and I don’t believe you should either.

Some people suggest adding baking soda, lemon juice, or eucalyptus essential oil to the water in order to prevent mold growth.

However, if you experience excessive wetness or mold growth in your home due to your humidifier usage, you may want to consider asking for professional help.

If you intend to add them directly to your humidifier, consult your manufacturer first or check the necessary precautions.

The best tip is to make sure your humidifier is placed in a well-ventilated area and that the room where it’s used is kept at a comfortable humidity level. Additionally, it is important to clean your humidifier regularly – preferably once every two weeks – in order to keep it operating at its peak!

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